Carolina Rig Bundle – Rigs + Sinkers


This rig is very effective for bottom fishing in places where there is current or you just want your bait to stay near the bottom. It differs from a fish finder rig in that it rolls around with the current rather than staying pinned in one place. This is better for fishing places with oyster beds and rocks because it will roll over the structure instead of getting snagged. 

The Carolina rig works great for fishing live bait for flounder, sheepshead, trout, red drum, and black drum. 

Try throwing:

-Live mullet with Sure Catch rig w/ Eggy Sinker for flounders, snook, red drum, bluefish

-Live Mud Minnow on a Mini Sure Catch Rig w/ Eggy Sinker for flounders 

-Live Shrimp on a Mini Sure Catch Rig with 1-2oz 

For mangrove snappers, sheephead, speckled trout, redfish and black drum

This is a complete rig set that includes a pack of 3 sure catch rigs, and a pack of 2 Eggy sinkers. Everything you need to start catching fish! Perfect for quick and efficient fishing trips. You will spend more time fishing and less time tying up fishing rigs!

Eggy Sinkers- Orange Egg Sinkers

309 in stock



Choose between a Sure Catch Rig with big hook for bigger baits such as mullet and croakers and a Mini Sure Catch Rig with a small hook for smaller baits such as mud minnows and shrimp. 

Then choose your egg sinker size- 1 oz for light current, 2 oz for heavier current. 

Sure Catch Rig is tied with 30# monofilament line and 2/0 circle sea hooks

Mini Sure Catch is tied with 15# monofilament line and size 2 octopus hooks. 
